viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

二零零九年十一月,當柏林市在慶祝柏林圍牆倒塌二十週年,轉折的命運聚合了六個國際藝術家:Jacqueline KooterShirley WiebeSusana Lopez FThea Jentjens,林慧潔及黎慧儀。

 1a空間呈獻《DESTINATION BERLIN》,一個始於柏林藝術家駐留計劃,關於尋找個人及集體身分的展覽。


Jacqueline, Shirley, Susana, Thea, 林慧潔及黎慧儀一同探索城市中的通訊與整合概念,面對陌生的德文成為他們一個弱點,但同時間,這境況驅使他們走在一起,去發表及回應新鮮而又錯錯綜複雜的事物。

In November 2009, when the city of Berlin was celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a twist of the fate brought together six international artists: Jacqueline Kooter, Shirley Wiebe, Susana Lopez F, Thea Jentjens, Wai Kit Lam and Wai Yi Lai. 

1a Space presents Destination Berlin, a group exhibition about the search for individual and collective identity through the work that was created during their shared art residency in the city of Berlin.

We start a journey through their different views and we explore different art techniques from graphite to paint and multimedia art, and we travel investigating the different faces and interpretations of identity.

Jacqueline, Shirley, Susana, Thea, Kit and Yi investigate concepts such as communication and integration in a city where the unfamiliar language of German made them vulnerable. At the same time, these circumstances help them to go within in order to express and respond to new complexities.

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