Born in Gijon (Spain) in 1977.
lastcall (
Susana Lopez F 出生於西班牙希洪。她畢業於巴塞羅那大學藝術系,並於同校獲取博士學位。曾在不同的文化及藝術院校深造,包括倫敦中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院、紐約帕森設計學院及馬德里Art Superior Institute等。作品主要為攝影及混合媒介。從個人經驗出發,以客觀又帶著距離的角度,揭示有時令人驚訝的事實。
LASTCALL, a blog about airports.
An airport is a tract of levelland where aircrafts land and take off, usually equipped with hard-surfaced landing strips, a control tower, hangars, aircraft maintenance and refueling facilities, as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo. Airports are public and busy spaces, they are the most complex and dynamics station owed to the importance of the air traffic in our times.
But an airport is much more than that. An airport is a conglomeration of all cultures, it is a place of floating bodies of people in limbo, a place where everyone is waiting to be somewhere else, it is a place of contradictions. It is a so called “No-Land”, where dead time seems constantly present. An airport is the ultimate waiting room. And yet, it is a center of contemporary culture, a place where identity is scrutinized thoroughly, and also shed like a snakeskin. We become anonymous and homogeneous.
Lastcall is an online diary that show us every airport where some day ago we were waiting at.
LastCall was born on July 2010 as a reflection of many hours spent at airports waiting to fly out.
LastCall, is a personal project as well as an open project, it is an invitation to artists and non-artists to share their photos and opinions about the time spent at airports around the world. I invite them to reflect about the use of the new public spaces, to analyze by photo language how limitis between public and private space disappear in an airport terminal.
After two years, this project was shown in PhotoarteKomite Gallery (Bilbao, Spain) in December, 2010. Later in April 2011 LastCall landed in London in Viewfinder Gallery. And in November 2011 LastCall travelled to Berlin to give us some inside into two airports, both of which near their disappearance: Tegel and Schönefeld. LastCall - Letzter Aufrul, was opened last 27th November in Takt Berlin (Grünberger Str. 1 - 10243 - Berlin). During the opening the exhibition was available online through lastcall blog lastcall and in Ph´a´ke: espaciophake.
Now, in September 2012, two years and three months after its birth, LastCall is landed here, in Honk Kong, 1a Space.
LastCall 網誌記載了我們在旅行時曾經駐足過的所有機場。
LastCall 誕生於2010 年六月,旨在對我們在機場等候誤點班機所花的時間,無論是度假啟程或返鄉歸途,做
LastCall 雖是個人性的計劃,但也歡迎藝術家或非藝術家在網誌上分享其經驗、恐懼、期待與憤怒,到此思
歷時兩年多,2010 年12 月 LastCall 首次以展覽的方式呈現在大眾面前,於西班牙畢爾包的 PhotoarteKomite
畫廊展出。此後,於2011 年4 月21 日也在倫敦的 Viewfinder 攝影藝廊登場。我在2011 年親自前往柏林兩
座快要消失的機場Tegel 和 Schönefeld 進行攝影探索。成果:去年11 月27 日Letzter Aufrul 成為了在柏林
Takt 空間(Grünberger Str. 1- 10243 - Berlín)展出的題材,展覽內容同時載於本網誌 lastcall 和 Ph´a´ke 網誌 espaciophake 供網上瀏覽。
2012 年九月,在LastCall - Letzter Aufrul 創始兩年又三個月之際,終於造訪香港,於「1 a 空間」展出。
My words about SinPrisas.
To all those workalcholic, twitterholic, facebookholic, etc . . .
So often people feel confused and forget their manners because they say they are in a hurry. This work started one evening in december, when somebody who was in a hurry spilt her coffee over me and ran away without an apology. She reminded me of The White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.
From that moment, I started to think about this and to observe people and I realized that We´re not present in our lives and then wonder why we´re never happy.
Perhaps these words are too sad because they are really true, but perhaps the real beginning of this project is inside them. We live immersed in a life dynamic where we only think about the future and we often forget about the present. For a long time I have been listened to people talk about what they are going to do in holiday, what they are going to do next Friday after work, what they are going to do when they will have a better job . . .
I know that life is the way it is, we cannot leave everything to chance, we have to plan in advance but I wonder: "Are we forgetting to live the present because we are too worried about the future, better days to come, next Friday, Christmas, Summer,...?". So often I find myself seating at a table with ten or twenty people around me and I feel completely alone because everybody is plugged into their phones, talking to those who are not present and forget about enjoying the present.
Sometimes I would like to think that I am growing up and my priorities have changed, I do not feel so eager to know what will to happen tomorrow. But there are other times when I talk to people and we always reach the same conclusion, in recent years we see that a big part of our society is progressing towards an overflowing materialism and consumerism, and often we wonder if the myth says that our human and creative side emerges in times of crisis, what is wrong now?.
We are a privileged generation, here in Europe. We have never experienced any war, it has been 22 years since the fall of The Berlin Wall, and even so, we seem to never be happy. Do we know too much about a fictitious world that is far away from the real world? Are our expectations too high? I use office workers rushing to work every morning compulsively checking their mobile telephones as a metaphor to talk through the language of photography about all those people who lives so fast that end up forgetting to live
As the project started to take form I was looking for a vehicle to divulge it online. Contradictory? Maybe, but I am not against the use of new technologies but the abuse, the adiction, the rush . . .
So I decided to use twitter, as a manner of diffusion and reflection, to reach all those who want to lose two minutes to spare reading one of the 140 reflections that I have been writing in the social network since last August. Starting each one with #SinPrisas, I talk about time, velocity, unhappiness, . . . for all those ready to read.
“For almost one year I got up very early to reach offices before workers and thus I took my photos. All the photos are taken in London, I was trying to catch the soul of the city with each shot”. All these months I have learnt live without rush, day a day, without waiting the future. And all this because of all these people I discovered living so stressed out. Someday I went out and suddenly I realized I have forgotten my mobile at home and . . . it did not matter, the workd keeps spinning. I have learnt to enjoy reading the newspaper, listening music or just watching the sky. And I hope not to change my mind, despite all the technological advances I can enjoy and which facilitate my life and allow me to access things that were previously unthinkable. There is something that can never replace: sitting on a terrace and spend the afternoon with my friends without looking at the clock and without answering the phone.
Thanks to the White Rabbit for that cold in evening December when he came and helped me.
#FalsaNavidad: calendario de adviento.
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